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Figma Design Guide: How to Design Your Home Page

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It is the home page that is most important component of any website. It is often the first page visitors view after they have entered via a search engine. A homepage should contain a few of the most pertinent and interesting content items.

Apart from serving as a landing site, the homepage should also showcase the content types found on your site. A custom menu can be created to direct users to the most pertinent content pages. This is especially important for sites with multiple content types.

A home page is an ideal place to display your logo or business name. Other commonplace elements include a navigation bar or a drop down menu along the top. These elements can be helpful in helping visitors locate products and services.

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One of the most important things to include on a homepage is the CTA. Although the name for this piece of software isn’t quite as adorable as a cat’s name, it does a good job convincing prospects that you are worth their time. You can increase your conversion rates by including a button or popup that calls to action.

The best thing about Figma is how easy it takes to set-up. You can design your website's homepage quickly and easily if you have a Figma account.

There are many types of content you might consider when creating your homepage. These can range from a simple homepage to a series blog posts. Whatever you choose, the goal is to keep the visitor on your site as long as possible. Having a live chat option is a great way to do so.

You can also use media-oriented content on your homepage to make you stand out. One example is to show off photos of the most popular products or services. Your site will get a boost by using animations or videos.

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The design element of a homepage is the most important. The page must be functional but not complicated. The page can be made more readable by using white space. You might even want to play around with your theme colors to ensure you are using the right colors in the right places on the page.

To create a quality homepage, you should take the time and plan your layout and content. You also need to stick to your posting schedule. You will be able to save time when updating your website in the future. By following these tips, you'll have a website that attracts new visitors and keeps them coming back.

While the homepage is only one page of your website, it is vital for its success. A gallery or video of your most popular products is a great way of capturing visitors' attention and keeping them on your site.


What is a static site?

A static website can be hosted anywhere, including GitHub Pages, Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Windows Azure Blob storage, Rackspace Cloud Files, Dreamhost, Media Temple, and others. You can also deploy static sites to any platform that uses PHP, such WordPress, Drupal Joomla! Magento PrestaShop.

Because they don't send requests back and forth between servers, static web pages are easier to maintain. They load quicker because they don't need to send requests back and forth between servers. For these reasons, static web pages are often better for smaller companies that don't have the time or resources to manage a website properly.

What technical skills do I need to design and construct my site?

No. All you need to understand HTML and CSS. You can easily find tutorials online that teach both HTML and CSS.

How to create a static website

There are two options available to you when building your first static website.

  1. Content Management System (a.k.a. WordPress is a Content Management System (a.k.a. Then you can use it to create an essential website.
  2. How to Create a Static HTML Website. In this instance, you will need to write your HTML/CSS codes. This is easy if you know HTML.

You might consider hiring an expert to design your website if you are planning to build a large site.

Start by choosing option 2.

Can I Use A Template Or Framework On My Website?

Yes! Many people use pre-built templates or frameworks when creating a website. These templates contain all the code that is required to display information.

These templates are the most in-demand:

WordPress - The most popular CMS

Joomla - Joomla is another popular open-source CMS

Drupal - An enterprise-level solution for large companies

Expression Engine - a proprietary CMS from Yahoo

Each platform has hundreds of templates, so it should not be hard to find the one that you like.

How much do web developers make?

When working on a website for yourself, you'll probably earn around $60-$80 per hour. But if you want to charge a lot more, you should consider becoming an independent contractor. The hourly rate could be anywhere from $150 to $200

Can I use HTML & CCS to build my website?

Yes, you can! You will need basic knowledge of web design and programming languages like HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). These two languages make it possible to create websites accessible by all who have an internet connection.

What is Website Design Software?

Software for designing websites is used by photographers, illustrators and writers.

There are two main types: cloud-based or desktop software. Desktop apps can only be installed locally on your PC and will require additional software to run on your system. Cloud-based solutions can be hosted remotely over the internet. They are ideal for mobile users as they don't require additional software.

Desktop Applications

Although desktop applications are more powerful than those offered by cloud-based services, they may not be necessary. Some people prefer to work exclusively from a desktop app because they find it more convenient. Some people prefer to use the same tool, regardless of whether it is on a phone or a laptop.

Cloud-Based Solutions

Web designers who wish to save time or money should consider a cloud-based option. These services allow you to edit any type of document from anywhere that has an internet connection. This means you can work on a tablet while waiting for your coffee to brew.

If you decide on a cloud-based solution, you will need to purchase a license. You will not need additional licenses to upgrade to a higher version.

These programs are available for web page creation if you have Photoshop or InDesign, Illustrator, and other Adobe products.


  • Studies show that 77% of satisfied customers will recommend your business or service to a friend after having a positive experience. (wix.com)
  • Did you know videos can boost organic search traffic to your website by 157%? (wix.com)
  • It's estimated that chatbots could reduce this by 30%. Gone are the days when chatbots were mere gimmicks – now, they're becoming ever more essential to customer-facing services. (websitebuilderexpert.com)
  • In fact, according to Color Matters, a signature color can boost brand recognition by 80%. There's a lot of psychology behind people's perception of color, so it's important to understand how it's used with your industry. (websitebuilderexpert.com)
  • It's estimated that in 2022, over 2.14 billion people will purchase goods and services online. (wix.com)

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How To

What is website hosting?

Website hosting describes where visitors go when they visit a site. There are two types.

  • Shared Hosting - This is your cheapest option. Your website files will reside on a server belonging to someone else. Customers visiting your website send their queries over the Internet, to that server. You then receive the request from the owner of the server.
  • Dedicated hosting: This is the most costly option. Your website is hosted entirely on one server. You and your traffic are protected by the fact that no other websites share server space.

Shared hosting is cheaper than dedicated hosting for most businesses. You can use shared hosting if the company owns the server to provide the resources required for your website.

There are pros and disadvantages to each option. These are some of the major differences between them.

Shared Hosting Pros

  1. Lower Cost
  2. Simple to Setup
  3. Frequent Updates
  4. It can Be Found On Many Web Hosting Companies

Hosting shared with others can cost as low as $10/month. However, this price typically includes bandwidth. Bandwidth is how much data you can transfer to the Internet. Even if only you upload photos to your blog or website, high-volume data transfers may incur additional charges.

You will quickly see why you paid so much for your former host once you have started. Many shared hosts offer very little customer support. While they may occasionally assist you in setting up your site and other tasks, after that you are all on your own.

It is important to find a provider that provides 24-hour support. They will take care of any issues while you sleep.

Cons of dedicated hosting

  1. More Expensive
  2. Less Common
  3. Requires specific skills

You're getting everything you need with dedicated hosting to operate your website. You won't have worry about whether your website is using enough bandwidth, or whether it has enough RAM (random-access memory).

This means you will need to spend more upfront. However, once your business goes online, you'll discover that you don’t need as much technical support. You'll soon be an expert at managing servers.

Which Is Better For My Business, So Which Is Better?

It all depends on the type of website you are creating. If you are selling products, shared hosting may be the best option. It's simple to set it up and keep it updated. You'll probably receive frequent updates because you are sharing a server hosting many other sites.

However, dedicated web hosting is the best way to build a community around you brand. It allows you to focus on building your brand and not worrying about managing your traffic.

Bluehost.com offers both. Bluehost.com offers unlimited monthly data transfers, 24/7 customer support, domain registrations free of charge, and a 30-day guarantee for your money back.


Figma Design Guide: How to Design Your Home Page